Chocolate Kit PvP

The Chocolate PvP kit pvp server is a new server dedicated to improving game performance in terms of combat. This server is most well known for having unique custom maps that really amazes me. This server does not have many players at the moment which should be changed since this server has such high quality game modes and features. In this post we take a look at all the gamemodes in this server.
This server has one of the most beautiful lobbies in any Minecraft server. For starters, the lobby has this really cool steampunk theme and is located inside a factory shaped building. There are many NPCs you can press for more information about this server, the rules, and much more. There is also a massive lake right next to the factory. This is a really deep lake so be sure to not fall into it or it may be a struggle to get out of it. There is also enhanced terrain all around the spawn. The mountains go around the entire factory and act as a natural barrier. There is also a forest towards the mountains. There are many easter eggs and cool artifacts around the entire lobby so be sure to look out for those!
The parkour on this server is some of the most difficult in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. As an individual who attempted these parkour courses it seriously is not easy. It took me around a solid 10 minutes before getting to the first checkpoint. What makes this parkour a struggle is the amount of "fence post" jumps where you have to land on a thin piece of wood. There is little to no room for momentum on these fence posts so you have to take every jump with confidence. There are also slime block jumps where you land on a slime block which causes you to bounce high up into the air in order to access certain parts of the parkour course. Completing this parkour is extremely rewarding and you will learn a thing or two about parkour and the best practices to use.
There is one big arena for all players to pvp each other. This arena has hiding spots, open areas and much more to make the pvp battles more intense. A majority of the arena is in a jungle theme filled with jungle trees and bushes. There are also custom made trees and boulders scattered around to add more life to the arena. There are multiple beacons throughout the map to indicate where you are in the map. There are also cave areas where you can hide in. We do not recommend going into small enclosed areas such as caves since you will not be able to create much distance between you and your opponent, making pvp much more of a struggle. There is also a massive brick wall to enclose the entire map. This will prevent players from excessively running and hiding.
This server even comes with skyblock. In skyblock you are able to slowly gather resources to make your island bigger. You can invite other players to join your skyblock as well. The entire skyblock is made in the same steampunk theme like in the lobby. You are given a start chest that comes with many items. You must use those items wisely in order to produce other resources such as cobble stone and iron. While the skyblock gamemode is very polished, not many people play on it at the moment. Most people rather play on the pvp gamemode.
While this server has all these promising and unique features, it has its fair share of problems. For starters, there are many glitches in the server that make playing on it confusing at times. The warps can be delayed and take a while to register. Apart from these glitches, this server is extremely fun to play on. I have played on this server with a few of my friends and the experience was fantastic. The kitpvp had the perfect mix of open space and areas to hide which made pvp battles more intense. Not only do you have to be good at pvp and landing combos but you also need to know how to parkour and think on your feet. We hope that this server could get more players soon since I can see this server becoming massive and revealing top pvp servers such as Zeqa.
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