French Fry Land SMP

The French Fry Land SMP is an amazing realm server developed by the YouTuber FryBry as a way to interact with viewers and learn more about the vast features of the game.
FryBry is a 17 year old YouTuber known for his Minecraft Pocket Edition videos. He started his channel in November 2019 and has since gained over 230,000 subscribers. FryBry is known for his realm content where he showcases free to join realms. However, he has decided to make an exclusive realm for channel members.
In this realm you are free to build houses, bases, etc. Since this is a vanilla realm you are able to travel to different dimensions such as the nether dimension and even the end dimension. This realm is for viewers of FryBry to come together and have fun in a public realm.
While FryBry would have loved to make a free realm for an unlimited number of players to join, it would not have been practical since that would enable hackers to join and cause issues within the community. Having a paid subscription makes it easier to track down who is joining the realm and who is dedicated to the realm. It also serves as a way to weed out the players who desire to join the main purpose of causing issues.
As a result, the cost of this private SMP is $1 USD a month. FryBry made the price as affordable as possible so more people can join the realm. It is a good deal considering a realm subscription costs around $8 a month. Be sure to convert the USD currency to whatever currency you use depending on what country you are from.
This realm is currently working on the newest Minecraft 1.19 caves and cliffs update so there will be access to new blocks such as mudbrick, frogs, wardens, etc. We hope you take time to enjoy the survival experience and go on adventures with the different players in the realm.
Joining the realm is a simple process that can be done through the official website. Here are steps on how to join the membership:
- Go on
- Look up "FryBry" on YouTube and search for the official FryBry YouTube channel (be sure it has a verification mark next to the name FryBry)
- Next to the subscribe button there should be a blue colored button named "join"
- Press the join button to become a member
- Look under the member community tab and join the discord
- Once you're in the discord leave your IGN in the chat and you will be added to the realm!
Since this is a private realm, communication is key which is why this realm comes with its own discord server for the players of the realm to interact, make friends, etc. Be sure to use the discord to report any bullying, hacking, etc. Any violation of the rules will result in a permanent ban. No bullying will be tolerated as this realm is an environment where people are meant to feel safe and happy. The discord can also be used for voice chats where players of the realm can talk with each other and plan out ways to fight mobs, build houses, etc.
This realm is made for fun and we encourage you to take advantage. This is a really special realm that has been in the works for months!
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