VIPmanYT Subscriber SMP Realm

This is yet again another amazing SMP server you can join with all your friends. This realm is run and created by the famous YouTuber VIPmanYT.
This is yet again another amazing SMP server you can join with all your friends. This realm is run and created by the famous YouTuber VIPmanYT.
VIPmanYT is a Minecraft Bedrock Edition YouTuber who is best known for his simple tutorials, commentaries, news, discussions, streams, etc. Some of his most popular videos include "Minecraft How To Clear/Destroy Land PS4/Xbox/PE", "How To Crossplay In Minecraft (PS4/Xbox/PE/Switch/Bedrock)" all of which have been super useful to millions of Minecraft players. On top of these tutorials VIPmanYT has recently started a brand new live streaming series on his channel. In this series VIPmanYT plays on his member-only realm where he plays survival Minecraft, builds houses and even bases with his viewers.
To become a member on the VIPmanYT channel member realm you need to become a member through the YouTube platform. Make sure to go on VIPmanYT's channel and press the "JOIN" button right next to his channel.
We also recommend becoming a member during his streams since he will be able to see that you became a member and you will be able to type your IGN in the live chat so he can add you. VIPmanYT is an amazing streamer willing to talk his viewers and take advice from them.
Be sure to become a level 2 member since that will give you access to the realm along with a bunch of other unique and amazing features.
This is a simple realm anyone can understand and join. The goal of the realm is to strive in survival mode and complete all the missions in the game. From defeating the ender dragon, wither and now the brand new Warden. VIPmanYT strives to create a safe environment where survival enthusiasts can play together. This realm is promising and we hope many of you join it!
What makes this realm different from the other realms is the level of attentiveness from the other. VIPmanYT will go above and beyond to ensure everyone has a safe and fun time. VIPmanYT makes sure that everyone on the realm abide by the rules which things such as:
- no hacking
- no destroying other peoples builds
- no bullying
- no spamming in VIPmanYT stream chat
Keep in mind VIPmanYT has lots of mods that will help him ensure all rules are being enforced. These rules are put in place to make sure people of all ages will be able to enjoy this realm.
In addition to this amazing realm VIPmanYT also has a discord server where his YouTube viewers can go in and ask him questions, give feedback, video ideas and much more. Under the channel named "community" users are able to access things such as questions of the day,, suggestions and even a way to contact the staff. VIPmanYT is extremely active on his discord so he will most likely be able to respond to you.
This realm has been going on for almost 2 months and already a lot has been built and done. However, VIPmanYT will most likely create a new realm at the start of every new Minecraft update launch. This has been the case with the Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update, Minecraft 1.18 Caves and Cliffs update part 2, Minecraft 1.19 Wild Update, etc. Keep in mind that the realm tends to be extremely popular at the start of every update and then levels out. Be sure to be on the lookout for streams on VIPmanYT's channel for ways to join the realm and much more.
The general consensus of the realm experience is positive, with many people enjoying the 1 on 1 interaction between VIPmanYT and the amount of time he puts into making sure the realm is as best as it possibly could be.
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