2b2t MCPE Realm SMP Recreation

2B2T is by far one of the most iconic servers in the Minecraft server space. 2B2T is a "anarchy" server which means that it is a server with little to no rules. You are able to build houses anywhere, whenever you want. There are very few limitations. 2B2T as a server represents the idea of freedom. 2B2T has an extremely long history in the Minecraft community, dating back all the way to 2012. It started off as just a couple of friends playing on a vanilla Minecraft server but over time, more and more people started joining the server. The server would have a massive boost in popularity as it started to appear in online forms and on websites.
2B2T became extremely popular in recent years after YouTubers such as FitMC created documentary style videos explaining the long and rich history of this server. No server has as much history and culture as 2B2T. Many friendships were made on this server and helped shape Minecraft into the game it is today. The community behind this server is extremely strong and takes this server seriously. Many players have created groups and tried to dominate the server spawn as a symbol of power. While the history of this server is complex to comprehend at times, it is still extremely fascinating.
This is a Minecraft Bedrock Edition realm created to make 2B2T into a realm instead of a server. This realm has been around for many years and has become pretty well known. The realm was on a hiatus for a couple months but has recently returned. Not many players have been on it yet so there are still many resources to be found.
When you load into this realm you will be in the middle of a river. The terrain surrounding the river is completely destroyed and griefed to the point where the biome the spawn is located in can't be easily identified. All the trees around the spawn have been broken so you may have to travel far in order to find resources such as wood or grass. Since so many people have already been on this realm, most of the spawn has been blown up and large cobblestone walls and towers have been created. Getting started in this realm is by far the hardest part of the journey since you are in an area with little to no resources.
While this server has no official kits that every player is entitled to, certain players of the realm decide to make their own kits and leave them in an ender chest near the spawn. This will allow for new players to find the ender chest and get the loot inside the kit. These kits can be extremely powerful and have some of the best items in the game. Sometimes, players rather mess with new players and set up traps near these chests. Be sure to have your guard up when finding these chests!
One of the most effective forms of travel in this realm is the nether. For those unaware, traveling one block in the nether is the same as traveling 8 blocks in the overworld. This can be handy when going to far distances. If you plan on building a house or a structure that you don't want people to instantly destroy, consider traveling via the nether. You will need 10 blocks of obsidian along with a flint and steel in order to construct a single nether portal. The community on this realm have already created a network of pathways spanning thousands of blocks across the nether. These pathways will lead you to different areas of the map where people have settled in and start building their projects. We recommend taking a look at what other people built in order to get inspiration or interact with others who also enjoy this anarchy SMP.
I just joined the realm and I was surprised by the fact that there is no lag or delays to my game. This realm is optimized extremely well and will be able to run smoothly on every device. I did struggle for a bit to find wood and a nether portal which was a minor inconvenience. There also was a group of people online who were ready to welcome me to the realm and gave me an amazing starter kit. This realm has some of the nicest and passionate Minecraft players, making this realm a solid 10/10.
REALM CODE: https://open.minecraft.net/pocket/realms/invite/koRQ_iknttI
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