BinoCraft Minigame Faction Realm!

The Binocraft realm is home to one of the most underrated game modes in the Minecraft realm space, Factions
Factions is a gamemode all about persistence and teamwork. You are required to either form your own faction or team. In each Faction you are recommended to add trusted players who will be loyal to you. You can also join a faction if you get invited by another faction. The goal is to become the number one faction of the realm or at least within the top 10 factions. This will require lots of work and strategy.
Part of being in a faction on this realm is constructing bases that will house all loot and powerful items you have. Many people go for secret bases hidden underground or even below lava. This is done to ensure no invaders enter your base and potentially steal any loot you have. We recommend using durable blocks such as obsidian. Getting obsidian can be a struggle since it requires a diamond pickaxe in order to mine and collect. You can explore the open world for more materials such as stone or wood. These bases can range in size, from having small compact rooms or more elegant and open bases to potentially scare off any invaders.
Making your own faction is one of the funnest things you can do. You are able to unite your friends and have a common goal. In order to invite people to your faction you will need their gamertag. You can manage the users in factions and set custom permissions. You can assign certain players moderators which allows them to mute members or invite another player.
Entering the wild in this realm is one of the most exciting things ever. First thing you should do is locate a tree and mine up all the wood. From there dig underground till you reach stone and start mining the stone. You will get cobblestone as a result which can be used to craft stone tools which are pretty decent considering the low cost of them. Then start trying to find a cave since you will most likely be able to find iron ores and if lucky, even some diamond ores. Keep in mind that an iron pickaxe or above is needed in order to mine diamond ore. Once you get enough materials from the cave we recommend you start searching for a location to construct your faction base. You can build your base inside a mountain or even make a giant castle.
One essential aspect of factions is farming. You need an easy and fast way to obtain resources such as iron, gold, wheat, etc. Make sure you make space for these farms since they can get quick large in order to get more resources in a shorter amount of time. There are plenty of free and easy to follow tutorials for these farms which can help out factions significantly.
In order to protect your builds in this realm, you can actually claim land which will prevent players from destroying it. The size of these claims can be adjusted depending on how big your faction is.
This server also has OP factions which adds more complex elements to the game to make it as interesting as possible. Custom enchants are added where you can get really great tools. For instance, having the enchant "sharpness 5" on a diamond will add 4 attack damage when using it. While you are able to get more powerful tools, that also means opposing players can also get these tools.
Playing factions for the first time can be overwhelming as there are many rules and "unwritten" practices to Factions. For starters, it's common for factions to use a third party application in order to communicate. This is to ensure no other players on the realm can listen in on any faction secrets or plans. We recommend using discord or messenger in order to chat since those platforms offer text messaging and voice call. Be sure to comply to all terms and rules on these platforms.
Creates on the Bino Craft realm are made to be extremely powerful as they provide lots of good loot.
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