Hypixel Like Server For Minecraft Bedrock Edition

Hypixel is one of the biggest Minecraft Java Edition servers of all time. Most well known for its unique array of gamemodes and the platform for one of the biggest niches in YouTube gaming content.
Hypixel is a classic server that has grown a following over nearly a decade. Some of the most popular gamemodes created by Hypixel include skywars, bedwars, murder mystery, etc. These game modes were what made Hypixel fun and enjoyable to play. Almost every server created implements something from Hypixel or takes inspiration from it.
For the longest time Hypixel was only exclusive to Minecraft Java Edition, which requires a desktop with decent specifications. While the server was still seeing extreme success, only players who had the resources to obtain a PC were able to play which left many other players from the picture.
The Hypixel staff in 2013 noticed the growing community of Minecraft Pocket Edition, which was a mobile version of the original game. Minecraft Pocket Edition was in its early days but over time it became one of the most purchased mobile games of all time, often being featured under "most downloaded " in both the Google Play Store and App Store. YouTube content regarding Minecraft Pocket Edition was also expanding as YouTubers such as AA12 and Rage Elixir who started making consistent content on the game. A majority of YouTubers at the time almost exclusively played Minecraft Java Edition so it was honestly refreshing to see any creator who played Minecraft Pocket Edition.
As an attempt to capitalize on the growth of Minecraft Pocket Edition, Hypixel actually created a version of their server specifically tailored for Minecraft Pocket Edition. This server had many of the same game modes as the original Hypixel server and even some of the same maps. This server exploded in popularity since people were now able to play on their favorite anywhere they went so long as they had a stable internet connection. This server had many pvp game modes and quickly became a fan favorite in the mobile community. However, the success of this server wouldn't last forever.
The problem with Minecraft Pocket is that it lacked many of the core features that made Hypixel on Java so fun to play on. The game lacked basic fundamentals such as hunger, sprinting, Redstone, command blocks, enchantments, etc. This resulted in gamemodes often being lackluster compared to their Java Edition counterpart. The mobile version of Hypixel had to sacrifice many unique features for the sake of being compatible with Minecraft Pocket Edition. For developers of this server, it was a nightmare since they had to come up with new solutions and mechanisms for Pocket Edition.
The server also started declining in performance in terms of player count and rank sales, the main source of income for the server. Other servers such as Lifeboat network were gaining popularity at the time and competition was at an all time high. Unfortunately, Hypixel for MCPE wasn't able to compete as other servers got updates far more frequently and overall was something new never done before. Many speculate that people were overexposed to Hypixel and wanted something new and fresh. It is for these reasons and many others that Hypixel for MCPE shut down.
Minecraft Pocket Edition was in a tricky place. Phones in general were rapidly getting more advanced and capable of running advanced programs. This led to Minecraft Pocket Edition slowly becoming more like the Java Edition in terms of features and much more. It eventually got to the point where Minecraft Pocket Edition was officially renamed to Minecraft Bedrock Edition.
Now it seemed way more possible to have Hypixel for Minecraft Bedrock Edition as the Bedrock Edition had nearly all the features that Java Edition had. The interest for a Hypixel return was at an all time high and people were hopeful that they would be able to play the game modes as on Java Edition. It also didn't help that many of the featured servers such as Mineville and Pixel Paradise got significant criticism for being a money grab and requiring players to pay a certain amount of money in order to play the games on the server. Some of these prices were outrageous, some even being worth more than the game itself.
When asked about it, the Hypixel staff expressed little to no interest in Hypixel making a return, leaving many players disappointed.
In response, multiple server owners went on a massive project to implement some of the best features from Hypixel into Minecraft Bedrock Edition servers, one of these servers being Nether Games. Nether Games is heavily inspired by Hypixel and has many similar features. While it is not a copy of Hypixel, it has a very "hypixel" feel to it and a strong sense of community.
Nether games is home to some fantastic game modes such as skywars, bedwars and even uhc meet-ups. There is a significant amount of detail put into the lobby of this server and there is even a massive sign displaying the letters "NG" to represent this amazing server
You can also get YouTube rank on this server by having over 5,000 subscribers. It is a major achievement many strive towards as you get access to exclusive cosmetics and other features. Your name also becomes red in front of anyone who walks near you in the server. There are many free and affordable ranks on this server any player can get or you can vote for the server or promote it via YouTube, Twitch, etc.
There are also capes on this server which can be used to decorate your player character and make it stand out more. You also have the ability to leave behind a fire trail everywhere you go. While these features are not essential, they are still fun to look at and utilize.
Nether Games has been running since 2018 and has always been my go to for having a hypixel like experience in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. I have played this server at my house, at school, and even on the train. This server opens the doors for many more people to experience what hypixel is like. There are seasonal updates on this server to keep things fresh and we will update you on what Nether Games does next.
Thus the server gets an impressive 10/10 and is one server I recommend everyone join at least once.
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