Shadow KitPvP Realm For MCPE

The Shadow KitPvP is a realm intended for players to sharpen their pvp skills and even parkour skills. This realm currently works on Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.19.10 and above so be sure to have the correct version.
When joining this realm you will be spawned in a stone hallway. This hallway comes with full 3D models that show what you should do on the realm. It will provide instructions on how to use the features as well as informing you how to use the create system. The stone has a cool water pathway on the ground and includes stone stairs to add more depth to the spawn.
On the right of the screen you will notice this realm has a menu. This menu will display the website url for this realm, the amount of in-game currency you have on the realm, the amount of consecutive wins on the realm and the ratio between losses and wins in terms of pvp combat. Having a K/D of 1 is ideal while having a K//D closer to 0 is not ideal. The discord code for the realm is also displayed along with the realm code. There are even seasons on the realm and since this realm has been recently made, it's only on season 1.
If you ever get bored of simple pvp, you can take a break and improve on your Parkour skills. This realm comes with many different parkour courses that start off easy and then progressive get more challenging. You can expect to jump 4 block lengths and even bounce on slime blocks to reach certain levels of the course. There are checkpoints that you can use to keep track of your progress in case you fail a jump or want to reset a certain part of the course.
At the end of the hallway at the spawn you will end up in a room where you can pick your starter kits! The great thing about this realm is that all starter kits are free and offer a wide array of tools and armor. The first kit gives you a wooden sword with no additional armor. The second kit will provide an iron chest and an iron helmet with a sword. The third kit will provide a full set of chainmail armor with a sword. The fourth kit will provide an iron chest and leather helmet. The fifth and best kit has an iron chest and diamond boots.
The starter kits are not the only kits in this realm. You can actually purchase high tier kits that provide better items
This realm is extremely expensive to run considering the costs of hosting, realm website, staff and much more. As a result, this realm has the option to give donations to the realm owners to help them build the realm and add even more extensive features. All donations are completely optional and are not required to have access to this realm.
The pvp arena is super detailed and is filled with players. There is a lot of open space where you are able to combo people.
This realm has 1v1 arenas where you face off with only one other player. There are kits in duels as well. All your wins and losses will be on record on this duel gamemode so make sure to try your best! Other people can spectate duels to get a new angle on battles!
This is a super polished realm that in my books earns a 8/10. This realm always has at least 5 people online at a time, making it easy to find players to battle and make friends with. This realm has so much room for improvement and we can't wait to see what this realm adds next!
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